You could get your tax refund up to 5 days early

man estimating refund on phone man estimating refund on phone man estimating refund on phone


refund check 5 days early illustration

A personalized savings tool for your refund

The Spruce mobile banking app could help you make the most of your tax refund by recommending a portion to save when you get it. The amount you save earns high-yield interest after you opt in.


Refund FAQs

When you choose to deposit your federal refund into your Spruce account, you could get it up to 5 days early.

Spruce can recommend and help you save a portion of your tax refund based on how much you expect to receive. You can choose to set aside some of your refund to a Saving Goal or Extra Saving and get ahead with your savings plan!

To maximize your tax refund, there are several things you can do. For example, claim all deductions and credits you’re eligible for, use the correct filing status, and make sure your forms are filled out correctly.

For all things taxes, check out or visit an H&R Block tax pro near you.